Facing head-on the trials and niggles of life

When did you last do something that took you out of your comfort zone, at the cusp of your learning edge? Something that really scared you, s t r e t c h e d  you even, or when did you attack that thing you’ve just been putting off?

Recently, I started driving lessons as I moved to the countryside 7 months ago from London. As I SOOO needed my independence and freedom back, now that I no longer have the convenience of public transport.

Taking this step has been a  s t r e t c h  for me. Secretly, I was nervous about having put it off for so long AND frankly watching some of the lunatics on the road has scared me to learn at this late(r) stage of my life!

Yet, having revisited driving after many years (long story - including having once had a California driving licence MANY years ago) I’m doing great, loving it and it feels AMAZING on many levels!

Have you noticed that the things we fear or put off for multiple reasons are seldom as scary or challenging as we first imagine, ONCE we face them head on? As we contemplate addressing, once and for all “THE THING…” we conjure up a thousand reasons why not to bother, including self-doubt, as well as ALL THE FEARS.  When we focus on thoughts associated with a fixed mindset, it holds us back & stops us in our tracks even. 

Comparisonitis, fear of failure and the unknown, perceived judgement or concerns about being seen – they all raise their ugly heads. YET when we face our fears OR even those nagging things that we’ve put off for so long, we find that we experience such a boost of confidence, improved self-esteem and sense of achievement –  That warm fuzzy feeling of - I did it!

SO, what are you putting off? What are you avoiding making a decision about or procrastinating on? Because these things wear you down, niggle away at you and are like a monkey on your back!

I’m inviting you to BE BOLD and face what you need to face head on in THIS moment. And when you do, it will likely free up your time & energy, open up opportunities for you and so much more. You’ll flourish and feel f*%king AMAZING!

Taking driving lessons at aged 50 isn’t the scariest or most challenging thing I’ve faced in my life, far from it. BUT right now, It’s something I need to do to make my life easier, freer and happier. So ask yourself what that may be for you. It may be a routine medical appointment you’re putting off, calling a friend you had a row with 6 months ago or doing your tax return! Only you know what IT is for you right now.

Once tackled, you will feel so much lighter than tolerating the worryingly familiar dense energy of the niggling, annoying, scary and sometimes blah things you are avoiding in life. One thing is for sure, you’ll feel a ton better once that blasted monkey’s off your back! 

p.s. I’d love to hear what you are facing and want to shift, overcome, or experience right now. And if you need help with it, drop me a line, as I have a couple of ways you can work with me and I’d LOVE to help a sister out.

p.p.s. I love real monkeys – they are the best! :)

Liz Keates