Facing Fears - What are you putting off?


We all do it! Gravitate towards what’s easy - the path of least resistance! Nature does it so why wouldn’t we, right?

The difficulty arises when we continue to PUT IT OFF. Whatever that significant challenge is for you…

When we procrastinate significant thing such as health appointments or relationship issues it can create chronic stress and anxiety.

This can become debilitating if left unchecked for long periods of time.

When we remind ourselves that most things we worry are not ‘real’, facts or reality. Whether these are thoughts, scenarios or stories we tell ourselves that “could” or “may” happen, we disempower them.

The energetics of “not knowing” can often creates more of what we don’t want and at the very least is very uncomfortable. Indirectly, the stress over time can create mental and physical health problems.

Each time we face something head-on it empowers us and disempowers the fear and anxiety. Be kind to yourself when you are facing the medical appointment, difficult conversation or decision.

Love yourself enough to seek out help, support and someone in your corner who can help you navigate your way through. If you need assistance facing something challging, that’s getting in the way of your feeling more happiness, contentment and peace of mind.

Reach out, let’s jump on a FREE call to see if I can help a sister out!

Liz Keates