Poem by Liz Keates

Right now

I’m feeling thankful that I’m loved.

Now I’m worried I left the tap running...

And now that I may have upset my friend...

Right now I’m watching a woodpecker on the feeder,

which makes me grateful and I smile from the inside out.

Thoughts become feelings that change our emotional and mental state. Ain’t that the T!

What we focus on becomes our personal reality. Not R E A L I T Y!

What we choose to focus on, what gets our vote CAN, but doesn’t have to, colour our lives so dramatically.

Choose wisely friend.

Our thoughts hold power, potential, creation.

They shape, mould and manifest our moments into minutes, hours, days and years - OUR LIVES!

Know that between stimulus and response there is S P A C E. This space, when wisely observed, will save you.

Forgive yourself forever - you will f*@k up. YET each moment is an opportunity to birth anew - what a gift.

I just had a thought - Does the person reading this like my poem?

Then just as quickly, I choose to think, it’s none of my business.

... and right now I’m smiling at the absurdity and fabulousness that thoughts loose their power, WHEN I choose to see them for what they are:

Mental events laced with emotional charge and ego.

By Liz Keates

Liz Keates