Life Purpose – What Is It And How Do I Find It?
Have you spent more time, effort and money trying to discover your life purpose than you care to admit? Do you believe that you are destined to find ONE special thing that you are meant to be doing with your life?
I was guilty as charged on both counts! Following my ‘life shock’ 5 years ago, I was on a quest to find my purpose. I had a successful career as a counsellor, which resonated for me for many years, yet I knew it was time to let go of this role.
Previously, I’d spent years “working for the man”, frustratedly working for large organizations, and in roles that just did not feel right for me. I once had a job that I was so unhappy in, I would often cry or feel desperately sad before I went to work; needless to say it was dreadful.
If you have ever spent any length of time in a career or job that you disliked or even hated, then sadly you know what I’m talking about.
You may already have been on a roller coaster ride searching for that ONE thing you were destined to do. You became frustrated and crestfallen when you failed to discover it.
I’m here to tell you that your life purpose is not one thing, one job or career. That if you don’t discover it you haven’t failed your mission. The idea that we have ONE purpose is a myth, my friend! If we continue to pursue this myth it may be like the crock of gold at the end of the rainbow – you will never find it!
That said each of us has a unique essence, story and message. Gail Larsen so beautifully expresses this:
“You have within you a potent voice for change – and a message and a story that only you can communicate… the message you were born to share…”
Your Soul’s Essence:
I believe that our soul’s essence is the unique combination of what we are naturally good at, what we desire to develop skills in, combined with what brings us joy. Yet it can be expressed in different ways throughout our lives.
You may bring creativity, activism, leadership skills, teaching, or countless other ways of expressing your uniqueness.
It may take time, energy, exploration, or even a life shock experience to awaken your soul’s purpose, but once fully connected to it, this is when the magic happens!
For some it may not become fully apparent until later in life, not least because of social, cultural or gender pressures, lack of privilege, or familial expectations of how we “should” lead our lives. These factors cannot be underestimated.
This is true in my case. Due to my cultural background, expectations of me were limited to getting married and having children. There was no real expectation for me to have a career per se.
You may find it useful to reflect upon your experience to date and how these factors, or specific life circumstances, have impacted upon your life’s path. How do you feel about where you are on your path? Are there any changes you wish to make, which could enable you to embrace your purpose more fully.
Once you are aligned with your life’s purpose it will light you up, excite you and you will more fully evolve into who you are truly here to be. You will feel more alive and want to express yourself more than ever before.
“When you tune into your soul essence and you are in harmony with the supreme, you are tapped into your superpower”
I believe you ignite your life’s purpose, rather than discovering it, because it’s already within the essence of your heart and soul. It may just need to be to be awoken, so that you can more fully realise it!
When your soul’s essence has been ignited you then chose how to express it and share it with the world! Your life’s journey and learning is your most powerful message – your superpower!
When you are aligned and expressing your essence you naturally do so with passion, energy and high frequency. Those whose lives you touch will feel this vibration, and this is your gift.
“At the end of the day people won’t remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel.”
When your soul’s purpose is aligned with your career, you will experience your ultimate fulfilment. Yet there are many ways to fulfill your purpose, including hobbies, interests, parenting, family life, voluntary work, relationships and study.
You may have already experienced a fulfilling career and either have retired or are taking time out from work to express your purpose in another way, such as activism, travel or writing. You journey is unique to you.
Be Still and Receive:
What’s most beautiful about this process of self-discovery is that it unfolds little by little. The more you trust your intuitions and the whispers from the universe, the more is revealed to you.
“The quieter you become the more you can hear”
It’s of paramount importance to spend time in meditation and silence in order to receive prompts from your intuition, higher-self, the divine, god, or whatever term resonates with you.
The signs may seem too small to be significant, or so large that they scare you. Once you receive guidance, it sometimes takes courage and trust to act.
Life’s journey does not come with an instruction manual, often to our disappointment! It’s the inspired small, regular, incremental steps that get us to our where we want to be.
Occasionally, a big step may be required, but this is rarer and usually because circumstances have changed, or we have ignored the smaller whispers for too long.
“The only thing that is ultimately real about your journey, is the step that you are taking at this moment. That’s all there ever is”
Each time you listen to the wise inner voice, it will lead you more fully and easefully to your divine calling.
Ever-evolving, ever-unfolding:
Mother Gaia is my greatest teacher. Watching how nature unfolds provides me with many beautiful lessons and metaphors.
I see the soul’s purpose as a rose bud. The rose bush nourishes and nurtures the delicate bud. This small tight bud grows and grows until it eventually blooms. The flower opens petal-by-petal revealing a rich density, intricate detail and aroma - the full expression of a stunningly beautiful flower.
Our soul’s journey is like this. With each inspired small step, more depth of our soul’s essence is revealed. When we trust and follow the prompts, signs and synchronicities, we express our truest soul’s expression. It increases in depth, beauty and excellence. It touches souls along the way, the same way that a beautiful rose provides joy to its onlookers.
Distractions vs Stillness.
It’s easy to convince ourselves that we don’t have time for these spiritual practices.
We can also feel affected by fears and concerns of what others may think of us if we make certain choices or take a certain path. The secret is to trust your inner voice and put one foot in front of the other.
Remember, your life’s purpose does not come with a manual. We have to listen, trust and turn each page to reveal more depth, more meaning and strengthen who we really are at soul level.
“When you don’t know what to do, do nothing. Get quiet so you can hear the still small voice”
Top Tips to Ignite Your Life Purpose:
1. Spend time in silence and meditation. Devote yourself to daily spiritual practice, such as guided meditation or movement. Start with 10 minutes per day. [Link to my Life Purpose Meditation & Workbook – Opt in]
2. Walk Mindfully in nature. Apart from the sense of well-being and joy from spending time outdoors, we can learn so much from the seasons, the impermanence and the beauty of nature.
3. Make time for hobbies, activities and social events that are a 9 or 10 out of 10 for you. Do this for enjoyment’s sake without an agenda. Inspiration can come from anything and everything. But get ready to say “no” to invites and events that don’t float your boat!
4. Explore your soul’s essence through expressive writing. List what brings you joy and any thoughts of what your next expression may be. Don’t force it. Play with this process! Remember great oaks spring from little acorns.
5. Explore obstacles that are holding you back, such as perceived concerns about what others think of you. Actively “care less” about what others think, remembering that much of this is your projection. A good mantra is “what others think of me is none of my business!”
6. Consider working with a Life Purpose & Spirituality Coach – like me! It’s amazing how the process of life coaching can make a real difference. It cannot be underestimated how accountability, encouragement and powerful questions, can be a catalyst for change.
Ready to discover your own life’s purpose?